Financial Education

Learn the steps you'll need to take to own your first home. Budgeting, mortgages, deposits and lawyers can all seem overwhelming and out of reach, but with the right advice and some hard work, you might find that you're closer to achieving your dream of owning a home than you thought.

Sorted Kāinga Ora

We’ve worked with your Iwi, The Commission of Financial Capability and Te Puni Kōkiri to offer you $orted Kāinga Ora an eight-week programme to help you get your money sorted and on the way to owning your own home. 

Housing Options

Where to start and what it all means

Money Systems

Setting goals and managing money

Plan for the unexpected

Protecting what’s important, including insurance, wills and trusts

Spending Money

What influences us, our attitudes and behaviours

Debts and your rights

Ways to reduce debt

Looking Ahead

Making a plan, identifying barriers and putting your plan into action

Money Plans

Using a budget as a tool to achieve your goals

Save Smart

Saving and investing, including KiwiSaver and HomeStart grants


It won’t cost you anything to take part in Sorted Kainga Ora

Register for a course

Have a look at our upcoming courses.
You can register for one of these courses straight away, or sign up for updates, and we’ll let you know when we have new courses coming up.

 ⃰Registrations will be confirmed by one of our Financial Education Facilitators

Sorted Kāinga Ora Questions and Answers

What is Sorted Kāinga Ora?
What will I have to do?
What will I get out of it?
Is it free?
Do I have to be registered with my Iwi to sign up for $orted Kāinga Ora?

Sorted Kāinga Ora is a programme to help whānau Māori achieve their housing aspirations.

Sorted Kāinga Ora is only available to whānau Māori in the Taranaki area who are registered with an eligible Iwi. We will be expanding to more regions and Iwi soon, check back regularly if you’re not currently eligible. 

We recommend signing up for WhānauSaver if you would like to take part in a Sorted Kāinga Ora programme, so that you can start on you journey towards owning your own home now. 

If you’re not sure yet about signing up to WhānauSaver, you can fill out this form to stay up to date with the latest programmes running. 

  • All adults in your whānau who contribute to the weekly budget will attend the eight workshops
  • The eight workshops will take two hours per week. 
  • Your whānau will do some homework between sessions – such as keeping a spending diary and working on your money plan
  • There are no tests or assessments in Sorted Kāinga Ora – just practical tools to help you set goals and put a plan into action to achieve them.

At the end of the programme, you will have developed a plan to achieve your housing aspirations. You will know whether you:

  • are ready and able to move toward homeownership „
  • need to grow your savings
  • want to continue renting a home

Taking part in $orted Kāinga Ora is also required to be eligible for any of the Kā Uruora housing opportunities that will be available in the future. 


$orted Kāinga Ora is free, and the knowledge you will gain by doing the programme could actually save you money.


You must be a registered member of one or more of the eligible participating Iwi.

Currently, Taranaki and Te Atiawa are the two eligible Iwi, but more are on the way. If your Iwi isn’t a participating Iwi partner, get in touch with your Iwi Trust Board and ask them to enquire about joining.


Register with your eligible Iwi now


Te Atiawa





Ready to start saving for the future of your Whānau?